
12 Trio Sonatas with Ripieno Parts after the Violin Sonatas op.1 (1757

Critical Edition

Geminiani, Francesco

Francesco Geminiani Opera Omnia vol.1b
Rasch, Rudolf, ed
Between the first and the third version of Geminianis Sonatas Op. 1 there is
a gap in time of over forty years. When Geminiani published his first
version, he was nearly thirty years old, when the second version arrived,
over fifty, and at the time of the third version, seventy. Musical style
around him had evolved from late Baroque well into galant or even
pre-Classical territory (however problematic one may consider each of these
descriptions). Nevertheless, the melodic, harmonic and contrapuntal
disposition of the sonatas remained basically unchanged. Only the format
(trio sonatas with ripieno parts instead of solo sonatas) was altered, but
the new format of the compositions was also a traditional one in its own
right, having been used also by Geminiani himself since the 1730s.
The third version of Geminianis Op. 1 testifies to a recurrent trend in his
career as a composer: a fondness for reworking earlier compositions and
publishing them either in the same or in a different genre or format. In the
former case we may speak of a revision, in the latter, of an arrangement.
The trio arrangements of the Sonatas Op. 1 prove completely satisfying in
performance as musical compositions, unique representatives of a quite
peculiar niche within the instrumental music of the middle decades of the
eighteenth century.

Ut Orpheus Edizioni S.R.L.

258.70 EUR



Ut Orpheus Edizioni S.R.L.

258.70 EUR


